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Kin Lane boosted

This seems like an appropriate first comic for mastodon.

Kin Lane boosted

Mostly all of this platform upheavel is a giant fucking blinking neon sign to own your own shit.

Kin Lane boosted

Our publication has a long history with #JohnMastodon

He went to college with our illustrious founder, P.R. O'Publica

A shot of the Statue of Liberty I took in January 2017 right after the election.

From 2009, when I had 3 phones. A Blackberry (Corporate Job), IPhone (Personal), and Android (Work Innovation).

Kin Lane boosted

I can't stop thinking that there's a false dichotomy about #api design-first and code-first. And especially the drift between spec and code over time. There are other well known solutions but we seem to ignore them when it comes to #asyncapi and #openapi.

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me!! The Mountain Goats - This Year (Video)

Starting to have enough interesting people followed here that I default here instead of Twitter to get my information and be entertained. Another couple weeks Twitter will be like FB, and I only check in there one day a week to see what is going on.

I took a risk, and wrote my API-First Transformation book for business and technology leadership who operate outside of the API echo chamber.

Kin Lane boosted

When I get the really good English Muffins I use the technique my dad taught me—poke all the way around with a fork because it achieves a split that toasts better and keeps crunch when butter applied.

Feel like news agencies are going to have a brand and trust issue if they aren't setting up their own domains?

Kin Lane boosted

I sit in the car with our dog every Thursday while my wife shops at Whole Foods — it is an interesting place to people watch. Quite a mix of folks in OAK.

Developer platforms are all about trust, and Twitter lost it via @techcrunch

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!