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I am fascinated by people who follow people on here but have never added an image or profile -- seems like the low bar?

One moment while I change my IP address and user agent.

Kin Lane boosted

That changed at 1:03 a.m. on Dec. 5 when 192 giant lasers at the laboratory’s National Ignition Facility blasted a small cylinder about the size of a pencil eraser that contained a frozen nubbin of hydrogen encased in diamond.

This crossed the threshold that laser fusion scientists call ignition, the dividing line where the energy generated by fusion equals the energy of the incoming lasers that start the reaction.

Who is going to lobby all the embeddable social sharing solutions to add a Mastodon icon?

Tweeting the obligatory post-covid sans beard photo as I try to work this week cause my co-worker Joyce asked me to.

"When President Richard M. Nixon launched America’s first war on drugs 51 years ago, annual overdose deaths stood at 6,771. The agency continues to count the death toll for 2021 — in a provisional tally seven months ago, it calculated the overall number of drug overdoses at 107,622."

I am submitting this post from the Mastodon API for my instance.

I shaved my beard while having covid fever this week. My wife and dog keep staring at me.

Kin Lane boosted
Kin Lane boosted

The Albert Kahn Museum in France has just made available for download thousands of early autochrome photos from around the world: Kahn, a banker, had top French photographers travel the world documenting everyday aspects of global life which he believed would soon vanish as the world rapidly developed.

Such prescience.

@histodons #photography #autochrome

*** EDIT: The collection can be searched here, & you will have to search in French!

Kin Lane boosted

I was in middle of JS digital signing of AWS headers the moment Covid fever hit me this week. I put computer down. Then all my feverish dreams were crypto hashing driven. Couldn't get into high school locker without MD5. My first wife left me cause of wrong signature. Finishing.

Fully vaccinated and after 2.5 years of evading, covid finally got to me this week -- it is no joke. Took me down for 3 solid days. Just now picking head up.

Kin Lane boosted
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!