Regulations from all fifty states and the feds, marked up in XML, current as of end of March, 2023. Available for your premeditated and unrestricted downloading. These codes are law.
@Mrfunkedude but do you know why?
The MTA is abandoning bus and train alerts on Twitter
@tanepiper sorry. Not very intuitive is it? I’ll ask around.
@earth2marsh Ha. Better than what my dad taught me -- hold my breathe for 10 minutes. ;-)
@earth2marsh Thanks Marsh. Harbinger of hope. I still have them.
@jenorr it was lovely. Highly recommend if you come back!
@jbminn I wish. Just make sure at least once a month to get away
@bishma Not enough grammar mistakes. ;-)
@kboyd I am.
I am a writer, storyteller, and cybernetics researcher.