@Crell I wouldn't say I detest, but I have never gotten on the bandwagon. It is fascinating to see folks operate in this world and assume it is how everyone believes.
That changed at 1:03 a.m. on Dec. 5 when 192 giant lasers at the laboratory’s National Ignition Facility blasted a small cylinder about the size of a pencil eraser that contained a frozen nubbin of hydrogen encased in diamond.
This crossed the threshold that laser fusion scientists call ignition, the dividing line where the energy generated by fusion equals the energy of the incoming lasers that start the reaction.
@TheCoolest Good point. I think we need to begin developing a thoughtful federated approach. I remember all the surveillance concerns of centralized FB, Twitter, etc. I'd like to see instance and non-instance versions, with clear instructions as to pros / cons of each.
"When President Richard M. Nixon launched America’s first war on drugs 51 years ago, annual overdose deaths stood at 6,771. The agency continues to count the death toll for 2021 — in a provisional tally seven months ago, it calculated the overall number of drug overdoses at 107,622." https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/dea-fentanyl-failure/?itid=hp-top-table-main_p001_f001
What Twitter Does to Our Sense of Time https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/08/opinion/twitter-odell-time.html
@darrel_miller @kevinswiber @vincentbiret Would love to learn from your learnings. We are going to publish a blog series on common mistakes we see.
@kevinswiber @darrel_miller This should be pretty light lift to add -- we'll see. ;-)
@darrel_miller @kevinswiber @vincentbiret Yes. The rating system has been in roadmap for a while -- just need to do it.
@darrel_miller @kevinswiber @vincentbiret Thank you. I'll publish an API.json API operation that you can search on our OpenAPI / Swagger index. I don't have any rating system yet -- that will come. They are validated, but not ded-uped or anything.
@darrel_miller @kevinswiber @vincentbiret "We would like to standardize on the APIs.json format. " <3 <3 ;-) ;-)
@darrel_miller @vincentbiret @kevinswiber Yes sir. I can. Will add to the queue. ;-)
@darius We've all been there. Dark days.
@vincentbiret @kevinswiber Interesting. We should chat and share more. We have a project harvesting all swagger + openapi from Github. Indexing. Running spectral rules against. Then going to widen it against search using Bing. Would love to index your work.
@vincentbiret Ha! @kevinswiber had literally just shared that with me. I am investigating and playing with. Y'all are building some cool things over there.
@shermandorn she really will do and accommodate most anything we tell her to do. She is the best. ;-) Tell Simon I have same problem. ;-)
I am a writer, storyteller, and cybernetics researcher.