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Finished this book today. Thought provoking and perspective altering.

I was trying to remember where I'd seen the mountains we visited yesterday, and today I was oh yeah!

Setup for Christmas. Looking west towards the Sierras. Looking east towards Death Valley.

I created a Postman collection that pulls anything I favorited on Mastodon, then pull any URLs in each post. I'll publish these to a Github JSON file or to a Google Sheet next.

I created a Postman collection to pull my Mastodon timeline, then pull any URLs in each post. I'll publish these to a Github JSON file or to a Google Sheet next.

Fewer things more exciting than a fresh tennis ball!!!

We aren't conventional holiday people. In the morning we are leaving to spend the next week in Death Valley -- will share pics when we have Internetz.

A shot of the Statue of Liberty I took in January 2017 right after the election.

From 2009, when I had 3 phones. A Blackberry (Corporate Job), IPhone (Personal), and Android (Work Innovation).

When I get the really good English Muffins I use the technique my dad taught me—poke all the way around with a fork because it achieves a split that toasts better and keeps crunch when butter applied.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!