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My dog Poppy performs the quickest and most precise lobotomies. She detected and extracted the pig noise mechanism through that small hole in seconds, without damaging the rest of the hedgehog—allowing him to go on to lead a normal life.

Historically my texture transfer ML models are pretty dark themes applied to seemingly positive photos. My latest wave are positive ML models applied to more troubling photos. Different set of contrasts.

I have been playing around applying text transfers from this Oakland poster to actual photos of Oakland I take.

I am captivated by the writing of David Graeber recently. I started with Bull Shit Jobs, then Debt: The First 5000 Years, The Utopia of Rules, and most recently the Democracy Project. Next I'm reading The Dawn of Everything. Then I am going to read them all again. They are that good.

Other than brief moments in 1903, 1937, 1976, and 2013, this light bulb has been on in this Livermore, CA fire stations since 1901.

When people you are collaborating with via a Google Doc clearly spend more time writing markdown somewhere else. ;-)

I am training some new Tensorflow texture transfer ML models. Reflecting my view of the world right now I am going a little less dark that I have historically, and will be focusing in on the California ideology--as this is where my head is at right now. I am training the ML models using these two images, which i will then apply to other photos I've taken.

Walking with the Poppy dog above Martinez, CA while Audrey runs and trains for her race.

Pigeon busted flying into prison with a backpack of meth. Expert from the Vancouver Poultry & Fancy Pigeon Association said there are two plausible ways to use a pigeon to deliver drugs. One, someone could throw the pigeon over the fence into the prison. Second, an inmate could spend months training the bird from the inside to recognize the prison as its home. Someone would get the bird to the outside, fasten its cargo and release it to return home to the prison.

Love Love Love the ground rules over at

So far I have created 25 separate Mastodon API capability collections, allowing me to automate common things I do with accounts, bookmarks, favorites, followers, lookups, post of statuses, searching accounts, hashtags, and statuses, timelines, trends, as well as verify my account. I'll keep building out new ones and augmenting them based upon my needs or what I hear from others. Feel free to fork and use!

I feel that if a communication channel is being printed on signs and used by a government agency as to engage with the public -- there should be a certain amount of regulation involved.

Received this amazing image of my Poppy dogs time in the rebellion.

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