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Do you ancestors influence how you turn off or leave on lights around your house?

Poppy is 99% watch dog, with very little do anything about it dog. Just watch. That is it.

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Modern cars have sensors, cameras, GPS for location tracking, and more, all collecting data—and it turns out in many cases, sharing it.

Poppy and I wait outside of the Alvin Ailey dance studio every Friday night in Hells Kitchen waiting for Audrey to finish her ballet class -- you can see them dancing in the cracks of the window.

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Since January, @kissane and I have been researching governance on Mastodon and Hometown servers of about 80-2000 people. That research is now available!!!

Blog post:


Special thanks to the participants we interviewed, you all were so great.

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The LLMentalist Effect: how chat-based Large Language Models replicate the mechanisms of a psychic's con

I finished The Restless Clock by Jessica Riskin today, and added it to my list of books that are contributing to my deprogramming. It was exactly the antidote I needed for this artificial intelligence moment we find ourselves in here in 2024.

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We're now one hour into our Reclaim Rewind 2024 radio show and damn the music has been wonderful on #ds06radio You all rule!

"Governance ensures your APIs aren't wild animacules but instead are designed, built and maintained in an orderly machinelet manner." - Kamalpreet Badasha

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For those unfamiliar, the @microcksio APIExamples specification format. It is a game changer driven by feedback and contributions from our incredible adopters. It's a step forward in API lifecycle management, which again empowers our unique multi-artifact support (, enhancing collaboration and communication.

🌟 Check out this insightful article by the @kin that captures its significance and future potential:

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Two words I learn this weekend while reading The Restless Clock by Jessica Riskin - 1) Machinelets and 2) Animacules -- I just gotta figure out how to work into my API storytelling.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!