"Radical" comes from Late Latin radicalis, from Latin radix, radic- "root", whose own root is Proto-Indo-European *wrād- "branch, root".
This is the same source as "radish" (=root) and "eradicate", which is from ex- + radix, radic- "root out".
A radical change is one that goes to the root of things.
DeFlock is a crowd-sourced project to map license plate scanners. https://deflock.me/
I have added Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant to my list of books that have helped deprogram me, leaving me more aware of the world around me. - https://kinlane.com/deprogramming/
I have added Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant to my list of books that have helped deprogram me, leaving me more aware of the world around me. - https://kinlane.com/deprogramming/
They are coming for entropy!! https://theonion.com/christian-right-lobbies-to-overturn-second-law-of-therm-1819565726/
Recommended reading in this AI moment - Blood in the Machine by Brian Merchant. https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/brian-merchant/blood-in-the-machine/9780316487740/?lens=little-brown
In this moment, us men need to do the work to highlight the realities women face on a daily basis -- as part of this work, I highly recommend watching Woman of the Hour--it is a chilling look at being a woman in a patriarchal society.
“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.” - Margaret Atwood
What Happens Next? https://donmoynihan.substack.com/p/what-happens-next
That Anxiety You Are Feeling Is You literally Being Ripped From The Physical World and Uploaded Into the Singularity - https://alternate.kinlane.com/2024/11/02/that-anxiety-you-are-feeling-is-you-literally-being-ripped-from-the-physical-world-and-uploaded-into-the-singularity/
The API Review for the APIs.io Search API - https://apievangelist.com/2024/09/25/the-api-review-for-the-apisio-search-api/
Makes me happy - Where Cargo Bikes Are Freeing Cities From Polluting Vans - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-09-25/london-cargo-bikes-rising-to-curb-pollution-not-just-in-ulez-areas?cmpid=BBD092524_CITYLAB&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_term=240925&utm_campaign=citylabdaily
I just did two more API Evangelist Conversations, Iwill process and publish tomorrow and Thursday. I really enjoy getting out of the tech echo chamber and talking with mainstream global companies about the realities of API governance. If you have an API related topic and would like to chat, feel free to reach out. https://conversations.apievangelist.com/sessions/
I am a writer, storyteller, and cybernetics researcher.