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My wife is amazing at taking dishes i loathed eating in the 70s and 80s and making them wonderful and things I enjoy—things like Salisbury Steak, Sloppy Joes, Frito Pie.

All the AI generated images online is making me want to get offline and go to an art gallery. I don’t trust anything I see online now and feel it all lacks soul.

Kin Lane boosted

"Twitter was the most important API. Up until the end of 2022 I was ready to fight for it, but I am fully captivated by the power of the #Fediverse now. While I don’t think all the mainstream people will move to #Mastodon, I am tired of rebuilding on someone else’s platform. I want my next round of work to occur on my platform. The people’s platform. I am not worried about reaching same scale + scope that Twitter, Facebook + others have. I am just looking for my people"

A Chinese satellite surveillance photo of me in Oakland China Town making a TikTok video of the Chinese surveillance balloon.

Kin Lane boosted
Kin Lane boosted
Kin Lane boosted
Kin Lane boosted

I will not be constrained by your lack of imagination.

Kin Lane boosted

Every time I drive to the office I grab a handful of change for the meter and leave the rest on this post. It never gets taken. It is downtown Berkeley.

They are just poster children for everything that is wrong with this country, our politics, our system, and do not reflect the actual diverse nation we are. We can do better.

Kin Lane boosted

@kin Kin, scalability and reach.

APIs and 🤖 code allow you to do things a human cannot. Using cheap commodity hardware, a well documented Python module and some custom code, since 2017 I’ve run a service ¥ that read out lines from Jane Austin novels, one line at a time every 15 minutes.

Humans cannot tweet as regularly as my 🤖 code. It is stable enough to run for months without intervention. I targeted #JaneAusten, a popular author and grew the readership to almost 3K. Not big numbers, but read by a significant portion of the serious Austen readers and scholars on twitter.

I started if for a challenge and kept it running for fun. You can read more of the technical bits here: <>

¥ #PureAusten <>

Kin Lane boosted
Kin Lane boosted
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!