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Kin Lane boosted

#Netflix has unveiled the details of its new anti-#PasswordSharing policy, detailing a suite of complex gymnastics that customers will be expected to undergo if their living arrangements trigger Netflix's automated enforcement mechanisms:

If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


Kin Lane boosted

Not going to lie, Twitter killing off free API access hits me in the feels. I remember with great affection the flood of creativity that happened after we opened up the API, and it's heartbreaking to see that unceremoniously strangled.

I'm relieved that we've got better alternatives, though. While this is perhaps the final straw for many bots on Twitter, it's been a long time coming and the API has long been hobbled compared to the early days. Open protocols or bust. ✊

This will be the only thing you ever see me cross post from that other site. Only because it has broken my heart. This was the most important API out there. I love and hated it.

Whenever you use an acronym you are saving your time and taking it from others. - @zdne

Kin Lane boosted

Thousands of archivists and librarians over here gesticulating *yes, finally, we've been saying this for a decade+*

Kin Lane boosted

Company Carbon API - Bend makes CO2e emissions data programmable and queryable. Track companies as they cut carbon, and measure your supply chain footprint. -

Anytime I see a food product labeled "Paleo" I imagine neanderthals having eaten it. I saw Paleo Waffles today.

Kin Lane boosted

"Since we began arriving in the “New World” in the late-1500’s, our families have dispersed across the United States...

Over the past 15+ years, ManyRoads (my website) has collected a rather extensive library of digital texts. We currently hold more than 150GB of materials in some 15,000 texts, maps, etc."

All are Free...

#books #genealogy #history

Kin Lane boosted

Buffer has added support for Mastodon, allowing you to schedule posts for later.

This is something I will definitely be taking advantage of when managing the various MacStories accounts, and I expect we'll see similar functionality from Buffer's competitors soon.

Details on @macstories:

Kin Lane boosted

@jeff @kin For me relays just filled up my disk/DB with things I wasn't too interested in. Plus many of them no longer work. I've been trying to come up with ways to handle discoverability, my latest one is fediverse-explorer.stefanbohac, if you're interested.

Ideally I'd find a way to integrate this with Mastodon more directly, maybe some sort of a tag-based relay, as someone on here suggested.

Kin Lane boosted

I got my personal instance up, and I'm curious–if you run one, did you add any relays to it? If so, which ones and what hoops did you jump through? Thanks!

/cc @kin

Becoming Kin - An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining Our Future

Kin Lane boosted

Amazing trees trying to grow in small Crack in granite.

Source, Unique Trees

Two tenacious cedar trees truly living on the edge, atop Nevada Falls June 2022. In Yosemite National Park, California USA

#trees #growth

Kin Lane boosted

Wrote a quick post that analyses which apps I've been using most often to post on Mastodon (some code in #Python for the #MastodonAPI)

I have had many amazing tacos and rarely get surprised by new ones, but Tacos Oscar blew my mind and is up there with the best I’ve ever had.

Kin Lane boosted

Pioneering geologist & oceanographer Marie Tharp changed our understanding of the ocean.

When Tharp sought a geology job at Columbia in 1948, women couldn’t go on research ships. So, she was hired to assist male grad students.

Back then, many scientists still assumed the bottom of the ocean was featureless. Tharp figured out how to use data to create sketches of the ocean floor. Her hand-drawn maps helped develop plate tectonic theory. #science #history #HistoryRemix

Google's big red banner over my free Gmail -- you are running out of space, and when it does you won't be able to receive email, schedule calendar events, and publish docs -- TEMPTING!

Kin Lane boosted

Two Americas...

via Michael de Adder, Washington Post

The Magic of Small Databases - Notes on personal libraries, collections and small indexes on the web -

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!