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Do you have opinions about Congress dot gov -- features you'd like to see, datasets you'd like included, bugs you'd like addressed? Come to the Library of Congress hybrid public forum TODAY (Wednesday) on Congress . gov from 1-3pm ET.

@mnot It is an autofill setting if I recall when I last turned off.

@mistersql Just working to maintain my own domain w/ about page and evidence of work.

Kin Lane boosted

Regulations from all fifty states and the feds, marked up in XML, current as of end of March, 2023. Available for your premeditated and unrestricted downloading. These codes are law.

Kin Lane boosted

@tanepiper sorry. Not very intuitive is it? I’ll ask around.

It was an email screenshot, and lack of alt I have no good excuse except I hastily posted as I jumped into meeting. Fixing.

@earth2marsh Ha. Better than what my dad taught me -- hold my breathe for 10 minutes. ;-)

@earth2marsh Thanks Marsh. Harbinger of hope. I still have them.

I have had the hiccups for 52 minutes straight.

Kin Lane boosted

@jenorr it was lovely. Highly recommend if you come back!

I just finished Breaking the Mayan Code and was fascinated by this image, which is basically this persons life flashing before them. Parents, grandparents, life events, obligations, baggage.

Hanging w/ kiddo for weekend as they get close to graduating from University. One of our favorite things to do together is hang at bookstores. Going in I lament that I don’t get to hang out in kids section with them anymore, upside is they ask me to buy books like this.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!