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Kin Lane boosted
Kin Lane boosted

platform engineering implements devops infrastructure when your organization is big enough to get economy of scale. it can't really be outsourced if your software engineering capabilities differentiate your product. that's why the cloud apis have coalesced where they are. the last mile specialization and glue to your business is a bespoke product, tailored to make your business as efficient as possible within its unique constraints

Kin Lane boosted

If you didn't already know, the Internet Archive has been hiring artists to perform pre-meeting mini-concerts twice a week since the pandemic started. We now have over 200 archived on our site for you to enjoy too:

@AnthonyBaker I know right? This whole American dream seems to be built on house of false tales!!

@vincentbiret I think we put on a good show of how advanced we are here in the US, but it mostly is a show and doesn’t exist where it matters the most—like eating little pickles!!! ;-)

@AnthonyBaker apparently we have been lied to here in the US Anthony, and this is standard equipment in France. We aren’t as advanced as we like to think. ;-)

@lbroudoux I feel like we think we are advanced but sadly we aren’t in the areas that truly matter! ;-)

I have been told it is a pickle lift. I am now a big fan of pickle lifts.

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I am really impressed with the technology these little pickles are equipped with.

@kevinswiber this was just waking up and drinking coffee on grass in front of our RV spot.

@noellemitchell I have almost 5000 blog post on my blog and i still have these thoughts. I write for me. Not for readers or views. Don’t look at page views. Just write. Publish. Write!

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!