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@DonnaLanclos @Autumm I setup a separate desk in my office in hopes of pushing me in this direction.

@Autumm I need to make the time -- thanks for the inspiration.

All the AI generated images online is making me want to get offline and go to an art gallery. I don’t trust anything I see online now and feel it all lacks soul.

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"Twitter was the most important API. Up until the end of 2022 I was ready to fight for it, but I am fully captivated by the power of the #Fediverse now. While I don’t think all the mainstream people will move to #Mastodon, I am tired of rebuilding on someone else’s platform. I want my next round of work to occur on my platform. The people’s platform. I am not worried about reaching same scale + scope that Twitter, Facebook + others have. I am just looking for my people"

@manire Me too. It is a refreshing version of history that left me seeing right through what we were spoon fed growing up.

@manire the way she connects history to the way things are today is so powerful.

A Chinese satellite surveillance photo of me in Oakland China Town making a TikTok video of the Chinese surveillance balloon.

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@katmckatniss I used to always feel thirsty when I was younger. I feel like I am losing the signal as I get older. IDK

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@Citizenkahn Braiding Sweet Grass was delightful and nourishing. We are on similar paths.

I will not be constrained by your lack of imagination.

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Every time I drive to the office I grab a handful of change for the meter and leave the rest on this post. It never gets taken. It is downtown Berkeley.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!