The new Amtrak AiroTM train will start debuting in 2026 and operate on routes throughout the country. Routes include the Amtrak Northeast Regional, Empire Service, Virginia Services, Keystone Service, Downeaster, Cascades, Maple Leaf, New Haven/Springfield Service, Palmetto, Carolinian, Pennsylvanian, Vermonter, Ethan Allen Express and Adirondack.
Becoming a Hunter Gatherer in the Information Age -
Gogol Bordello Plays an Acoustic Punk Show | Live From Rolling Stone's Studios
Happy #BlackFriday y'all! To celebrate #BlackJoy on #BlackMastodon, I'd like to show a #watercolour painting I did of the great James Baldwin.
Other than brief moments in 1903, 1937, 1976, and 2013, this light bulb has been on in this Livermore, CA fire stations since 1901.
@jbminn Those need to be streaming high volume WTFs.
I come across a lot of acronyms and this one is my favorite -
Amazing photo of lightning strike on #SutroTower in today's rare thunderstorm in San Francisco. Photo by Reddit user u/swingdatrake, slight color correction.
@Jeremiah where do I find this podcast?
@lhgmk2 <3 <3
This legal primer for Fediverse instances under US jurisdiction is very good and you should read it and pass it around, and not have a lot of future problems.
@gregsdennis Glad it isn't just mine.
@bobmagicii I can't imagine wha it is like to manage and iterate on a product like Siri.
I am a writer, storyteller, and cybernetics researcher.