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@jbminn Thanks much appreciated. Means a lot. I am using it as a reference on my desk, and it was the intent behind the format. Next, workshops.

@njyx We may have known. Very like me to forget. It just came up in some research and I was like -- I HAVE BEEN HERE!!

@danwentzel I used to ride the bus from Santa Monica to West Hollywood when I worked for CityGrid in 2011. When it rolled through Beverly Hills it was always me at 15 Latina maids riding together.

@njyx I was today year old when I realized that where we held API Strat in Amsterdam was the site of the first stock exchange -

@adron I haven't played with cohost. Doing now. Looks to be no official public API, but a number of unofficial and rogue APIs -- looks like instagram in early days.

OK. I am on the Post platform now too - -- but I broke my golden rule that I don't use platforms that do not have a public API. So we'll see how long I stay. If I can't get data in or out in a programmatic way -- nothing else matters.

Coming online for the new year....YES, positive reviews and feedback on new book!!!....oh one of my favorite and enduring stalkers has spent their holidays commenting on each one talking trash about me. Let's do this 2023!!

Kin Lane boosted

@jeff agreed. It needs a team of them. Overall storytelling, API and integrations, but then specialties like journalists, government, etc. I am going to lobby for budget to add to my Open Tech team at least one full time, and see if I can get other funding for others.

I spent 2010-2019 working for myself, and the last 3+ years in a great job. The view of my email inbox and the emotions it triggers are wildly different between these two states. I dread my inbox these days with all the people wanting things from me, and back in the day I loved seeing who wanted things from me.

Kin Lane boosted

Hmm, rotating circular thing out there in the Pacific has some impressive reach. #cyclone #AtmosphericRiver #CAwx

@Mrfunkedude The wife cancelled all streaming services yesterday. We are both reading books, but have a shared audio book we do evenings. If we want to watch something bad enough we'll turn a service back on.

@jimandrews Ha! Good to hear. I am neck deep in the API for Breaking Changes, where I have all shows indexed and searchable so I can produce content from it. Gregor Hohpe * 100. Fun!

@andypiper Interesting. I feel like I used to be better at it too, and I am slipping in my old age. Writing is definitely key to grounding and applying constraints.

@llbbl Good for you!! It is rewarding and nourishing. I have to do it some days/weeks. I have also gotten better at dealing with it not being rewarding. My boss may not agree, but....

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