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@cwoodruff postman hoodie sweatshirt. It being swag make me younger too?

@cwoodruff It was just a hoodie. So I am good? Not quite old yet? ;-)

I just went and put on a sweater instead of turning on the heat. Damn I'm old.

Received this amazing image of my Poppy dogs time in the rebellion.

Finished this book today. Thought provoking and perspective altering.

@ahl Yes I am. One a week is full episode with me interviewing someone. Now we've added in Breaking Changes Round Table which focuses on relevant topics with other personalities!

Kin Lane boosted

Posting that Twitter is down here on Mastodon has a certain feel to it.

Kin Lane boosted

@kate sounds lovely! I find thinking about moss to be waaay more productive than thinking about apocalypse!!

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I now see why I fell in love with Twitter in the early days, it was because of all you , and folks --- I seem to be rebuilding the same world again here, but hopefully minus all the other commercialization and negativity that unfolded over there.

@serenebabe @StillIRise1963 Thanks for sharing. My wife just finished her book and has been espousing. This is the first I've seen in the wild -- will read now too.

Kin Lane boosted

Excellent piece from @mikejones and @bestqualitycrab for @theconversationau covering the funding issue with #Trove at the National Library of Australia (who I don't think are on Mastodon).

Trove is an #API, which I've demo'd before at places like VALA, which makes the NLA's collections easily query-able.

Trove is #digitalinfrastructure for #digitalhumanities, #socialscience, #archives, #museums and other #GLAM activities.

And it's invisible. Which means it doesn't attract the funding or attention it deserves. Trove archives over 6 billion digital items. Items which speak to Australia's #CulturalHeritage.

If Trove were a supercomputer, it would be funded. If our digitalhumanities were as sexy as #STEM, Trove would be funded. But they're the same type of thing - digital #infrastructure that helps research. Trove is #ResearchInfrastructure. And we should fund it properly.

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