@jnoxon Yeah, I think deeply about these things, and work hard to keep things within my domain (control). I'll have to get back to you on the bandwidth it takes. My first instance is single user, but setting up multi-user for API Evangelist -- I'lll keep sharing my learnings as I go. It is an interesting journey.
I Have My Mastodon Instance for Kin Lane Set Up https://kinlane.com/2022/11/25/i-have-my-mastodon-instance-for-kin-lane-setup/
@rdegges It took me a while to make shift, but I am there after like five years. Behavioral change is hard. ;-)
@rdegges YYYY-mm-dd -- just sorts better. Better context for reality.
@carlos Yes! It really is a different feeling. It is a different state of being that I don't think everyone fully understands the importance of.
@rbates Simple, modular, hands-on, blog posts.
Thank you to @jeremiahlee for the recommendation -- I have run Twitodon - https://twitodon.com/ and finding all my friends who are here.
@lblanken Thank you! Happy to be exploring and learning. Audrey is contemplating letting me set her up a server -- we will see.
@jeremiahlee I haven't found that. Thank you. Was wondering if something like that existed.
I am a writer, storyteller, and cybernetics researcher.