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I just finished Breaking the Mayan Code and was fascinated by this image, which is basically this persons life flashing before them. Parents, grandparents, life events, obligations, baggage.

Hanging w/ kiddo for weekend as they get close to graduating from University. One of our favorite things to do together is hang at bookstores. Going in I lament that I don’t get to hang out in kids section with them anymore, upside is they ask me to buy books like this.

Exposing Muiybridge - Ambition, betrayal, murder, deception… and the birth of moving pictures! Exposing Muybridge is the first feature documentary to bring the fantastical story of the trailblazing 19th-century photographer Eadweard Muybridge to life.

Hughes telegraph, an early (1855) teleprinter built by Siemens and Halske.

Took a walk up 7th in Oakland today to remind myself that what we see today was by design to destroy the vibrant black community that existed there in the 50s/60s with freeway and BART line using imminent domain, setting the stage for development.

Old man shirt shopping is fun, but I find myself conflicted. Do I get the dinosaurs and sharks?

Poppy likes her monstera plant. We keep moving her bed but she moves back.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!