Can any of you boomers describe to me what it was like when the first Led Zeppelin album came out. Thinking about the massive weight it carried in my teen years and just curious of any stories about it's birth as I listen to this Saturday morning.

@kin ~ My story was I was in my teens and a Stones fan. They were hard rock to me. I was gifted Led Zeppelin's first album which I wore it out and the next too. From then on it was the Zep and Jimi. I totally understood why the Zep stepped back when Bonham died. 👍

@bmacDonald94 @kin yes. It was shocking in a way. I didn't catch on until Zep 2 but rapidly backtracked. It opened up a whole broader spectrum of blues and rock than I'd heard previously. It hit like an anvil falling from the sky. Still so good all these years later.


@capnthommo @bmacDonald94 Yeah, that is what I suspected, that it was jarring and people might be able to comprehend at first.

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