@kin I'm reminded (always) of the Kurt Vonnegut Jr. novel when I see that title, player piano. (good times, good times).


@carpetbomberz I need to re-read that. it's been a couple of years (maybe decades). Gulp.

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@kin TL;DR,
Schnectady NY, GE comes up with a way to `automate` precision machining of parts (like ye olde Cambridge Mill) which was thought to be impossible. But given the right technology a machinist's actions/steps could be "recorded" and "played back" thus replacing the worker with a machine. Very prescient.

@kin I kid of course, this is just the foreword. The actual story is more about the re-education of a creative type in the mould of corporate bureacracy under the guise of "being an adult" or a "professional" and the costs of that. Eventually leading to a final concluding event where the narrator destroys a symbol of the corporate bureacracy. Needless to say GE doesn't come out looking any different than any other bureacracy at the time.

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