I absolutely love that the word meritocracy originated as a parody, but people use it straight faced without any awareness of it's origins. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rise

@kin Yes, this is so funny. Another thing people love to point out is Michael Young helping his nasty son get into Oxford - but I am not sure they know anything else about Michael Young. Toby has spent years railing against his father's ideas, so in this case the apple fell pretty far from the tree.

@qui_oui Thank you for sharing that. I did not know either. I really enjoy these rabbit holes.

@kin There is so much irony with this one. Toby Young who appears to lack merit by any definition, screaming about IQ and "progressive eugenics" while his dad who coined the word "meritocracy" was a leftist who helped found the Open University. I've had an essay on this cooking for some time, LOL.


@qui_oui I would read. Please write.

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@kin Good to know, I should stop putting it off!

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