I got my personal instance up, and I'm curious–if you run one, did you add any relays to it? If so, which ones and what hoops did you jump through? Thanks!

/cc @kin

@jeff @kin For me relays just filled up my disk/DB with things I wasn't too interested in. Plus many of them no longer work. I've been trying to come up with ways to handle discoverability, my latest one is fediverse-explorer.stefanbohac, if you're interested.

Ideally I'd find a way to integrate this with Mastodon more directly, maybe some sort of a tag-based relay, as someone on here suggested.


@stefan @jeff Interesting. Thanks for sharing. The tag-base relay I think makes a lot of sense. Adding to my list of learnings and approaches to hack on.

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@stefan @kin @drazisil

I was just wondering what happens to pinned tags on small instances. I guess the answer is: not much. Thanks for the replies!

@jeff @stefan @kin

Yah, nope. They are still there. ActivityPub is cool. I have a bunch of posts about it, take a look :blobCat_happy:

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