@jik No, I don't think you are missing it. From what I know the private note is stored on the /follow, so the only way to pull the private note is to POST /follow with a specific account id. Private notes aren't even listed when you pull followers for your own account. If i find anything else I'll let you know. Looks like you'd have to loop through all followers and make individual /follow to see if you had note for each one.
@jik I think you should. Send me link when you do and I'll vote up. I've been using notes a lot and this would help.
@kin OK I've opened a feature request at https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/22909 .
@jik Nice! Thanks! Added a supporting comment to the thread. I'll spread the word and maybe others can pile on.
@kin Thanks. The problem is that you don't have to follow someone to store a note on them. I think there's a gap in the API if it's impossible to iterate through all the people for whom you have stored notes. Maybe I should open a feature request?