One of the things I would miss here on Mastodon was all of the alerts from my local infrastructure and government twitter accounts. These will likely take a very long time to make the migration.
With, you can create bot accounts that put those tweets in your Mastodon timeline. For instance, I follow the Washington State Patrol account for regional weather related road closures and accident reports:
EDIT: I Should have tagged the project's creator: @vincent
@kin @awilbert @wspd7pio skill may be an issue. Time is also an issue as many employees do this kind of thing as an add on to their regular duties. As such they probably tend to focus on what gets the biggest bang for their buck (aka where most of their constituents are)...and I doubt they are on the fediverse. I am talking about people like bill and Anges from next door, not the tech enthusiast that's everywhere. RSS, PA hile it works for us, doesn't work for bill and Agnes