
Didn't we train for this our entire childhood?

@kin Feels like missed chance, that the sign is not reading: The Floor is Lava

@fkrauthan @kin
😂bwaaaahaaaahaaa my whole childhood right there.

@kin I can see my toddler climbing from chair to chair now shouting "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!"

@kin No, all I got was "hey if a nuke happens just duck under the desk or something you'll be fine… I dunno."

@kin what is adulthood if not just childhood with higher risks

@kin I love that a sign is actually required. You know someone’s going to think they can drive over it to get a selfie or just because they don’t want to go the long way around

@kin @KatMA That some people want to take a selfie on the lava, I (unfortunately) don't think is that unlikely.

@kin hup, because that first time we were told "don't touch that" and we did, we got the unfortunate nickname of Stumpy.

What's not obvious is *for how long* you have to stay off it. At least a year would be a good starting point - personally if the signs were still telling me to keep off after a year I'd keep off.


Really? They have to put up SIGNS for that? OMG.

@kin Alt-Text: “STAY OFF LAVA” is displayed on a portable sign in front of a fresh lava flow.

@kin running my kids through the course currently

@kin you must not be GenX. Our parents told us it was the neighborhood pool and dropped us off every Saturday morning so we could “swim” in it. 🤪

@kin These signs exist because of the one person who needed to be told.

@funnymonkey @kin

"You can't tell me what to do! Resist the tyranny! Rebel against the suppressors! Anarchy!"

I think we need more lava in our lives.


Have your seen this Netflix show? Cheesy but perhaps more entertaining than you'd think.

@kin FOOLS! You think I’m not worthy? Heh, little did you know I have been training for this moment for my entire life! 😎

@kin Girlfriend (now wife) ruined a perfectly good pair of flip flips that way.

@kin but sitting scrunched up in the hallway, shoulder to shoulder, waiting for cold war bombs in the 60s....

@kin 100,000 years ago we had these signs all over the place.

@kin Gen X kids were trained to avoid quicksand. Hot quicksand? Duh!

@kin this cracked me up. Left lane drive. Right lane park. Stay off lava. 🙈

@kin people don’t recognize real danger any more. They live in a fantasy life.

@kin 😂😂😂 and that there people who simple didn’t learn.

@kin How did we survive before lawyers took over the world?!

@dooordah @kin , more people with stumps and no settlements? 😏

@kin especially if you've got diamonds in your inventory!

@kin Is lava really all that dangerous? I mean, they put it in lamps.

@kin "i don't know why my shoes are melting..." someone out there, probably.

@kin I did, and apparently there's a widespread fear of lava among children.

@kin :: cracks knuckles and pops neck back and forth ::

It's time. All those times falling off of tables, couches, chairs were not in vain! LoL 😂

@kin Why not a sign saying "Lava Ahead" and let the people decide?


Ummm have you met humans?

Do not iron clothes while wearing.
Do not drive q-tip into your brain.
Remove plastic before heating.

@kin Things are different on the big island. People check their common sense in at the Hilo airport reception counter.

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